Prof.Sunil Handa started the workshop with the question why have you people come for this workshop. Few said they had come to listen to him. Someone said that he had been having an idea in his mind for a long time and that he wanted to hear his speech to be inspired. Prof Handa called it the “Kick in the Ass” requirement.
And then he started sharing about his experience as an entrepreneur. One thing which stood out of his speech is the fact that the guy is passionately passionate about ‘Entrepreneurship”. Every word and every action of his would make you think and consider Entrepreneurship as your career option. The workshop he took was of three sessions of two hour duration. I can’t put down all that he shared with us (mainly coz I don’t remember all that was shared), yet Iam sharing the important highlights which he said about entrepreneurship.
Foremost, the point he said was that it’s best to become an entrepreneur as soon as you can. Few of the people had asked if it’s better to work for few years (2-3 years) , save some money, build network and then try out the waters. For which Prof. Handa said that the two years at this time of our life is equivalent to 20 years of his time. The energy, madness, passion and enthu which we have at this moment will fade as time goes on. Not to mention, the additional responsibilities which we would be having. Hence, this is the best time ! About the money saving/network, he said that at this time, the money we would end saving would be miniscule which can be arranged anyhow. And the contacts aim to make, would be of our similar profile, to be of any major help. Overall, his message was that the two years not is the GOLDEN period of your life. Leverage it!!!
Another important message which he had shared was the fact that whichever business you want to start on, make sure you are the KING in that business. Nobody in this world should be more knowledgeable than you in that field. Know the in and outs of the business, its working, your competitors etc. The moment you are qualified to that extent, you will be the best in your business too.
Then he told us the importance of Partnership. Partnership is the most important thing while starting out, hence choose your partner wisely. He advised that Partners should have complementary skills, instead of having someone you like, or someone you gel well with. He said that Partnership is a deep and meaningful bond which one has to share. So choose carefully and in a wise manner.
He also said the two commonly repeated phrases which a Entrepreneur hears often. First, is whenever you suggest to do something in new way, people will give you one answer – “we cant do it that way – Coz people have never done it that way!” Secondly, most of the time things will go on as they have been going on. Be it be any process to manufacture something, or way of ordering things etc. unless you question it, it wouldn’t change. And questioning is what every entrepreneur should do. Because, most often, we can find new ways of doing things much better. The standard reply people will give when you ask them why weren’t you told that this could be done before is – “You never asked me”
I will end up by saying the one thing he said which stood out in his workshop. You all would have heard about it, yet it’s the ‘Elixir’ for an Entrepreneur. It is “Never give up”. In the business and in life, you will face many situations when obstacles seems insurmountable, you don’t find answers to your problems, and nothing seems to be happening. At those moments, remember this – NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP ! Some thing would definitely happen., if you keep persisting, the problem is gonna yield sometime. But just ensure that you NEVER YIELD to the PROBLEM.
Thus ended the wonderful six hour session workshop by Prof.Sunil Handa. Just want to convey my sincere thanks to him and hopefully one day will give my Guru Dakshana to him by charting along the same path and making my mark. He is one hell of an Evangelist !!!
Thanks for sharing such Inspiring thoughts!!! All the very best on ur each endeavour to become a great entrepreneur.
@Banupriya: Thank you for the kind words. Iam glad that you found it inspiring ! :)
Hey, the post is really inspiring one..!!
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