movie' as a GOD.,. I wont go into the nitty-gritty of the movie, that enjoyment i leave it to you to watch the movie and get it.

Yet what fascinated me is the kind of story it has. The story involves the hero joining a software company where he falls in love with the the heroine (who is his boss). The story goes ahead with how the hero proposes to her , she first rejects it and then finally after a elaborate screenplay, they join.,. I said i found it fascinating because of a conversation i had with a friend of mine recently. To give a little background, my friend had joined a company few weeks back and after a stint of training, he was assigned to a project. (Note: He had watched Yaardi Nee Mohini a few weeks back.) The conversation went as below:
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Me: Then how is work da ?
Friend: Work paravaelle da. Enne Projectulu thaniya potturukange... (Work is fine. But Iam working alone in a Project.)
Me: So what. you will get accustomed and maybe more people will join you as time passes.
Friend: I hope so...
The topic as usual shifted to the feminine population in his office and about his team mates.
Me: Then how many people are there in your office.. How many of them are girls ?
Friend: Not many currently.Only 10 as of now. Maybe more will join after few months.
Ama da, enge office le, ponnungele elle, ethulle 10 girls, less nu feel pannuriya.... Hmmmm... ( In my office, there are no girls, and you feel that 10 is less... )
Then he said about how he was put into a new project. How he was selected from 20 students and was allocated a project.
Friend: Hey you know, my PM does not look like a PM itself da...
Me: Why da... Is she so young...?
Friend: No da. She looks like as if she is married and has two childrens.
This perplexed me.,., Generally, PM (Project Managers have an work experience of 8-10 years, so it is normal that people will be above 30 by that time. So logically concluding, people would have got married and would be settled in life. I didnt get his point...
Me: Thats natural rite ?? I didnt get you.
Friend: Elle da. Yaaradi Nee Mohini madhiri, PM younga iruppanganu ethurpathe. Enge enne na, evalavu old da irukkange...( The fact is, i expected my PM to be of young age like that of Yaaradi Nee Mohini. But here it didnt turn out as i expected..)
Me: dei ethu ellam overuuda... ( God help him.......).
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Thats a peek into the mentality of software programmer for you. More often, people who watch movies such as this, entertain such kind of aspirations, and when they enter the real world (work-environment) , they face day-today realities which not only crushes their bubbly spirits but also makes their life monotonous.,. So future-software people, you know what to be cautious against...
Movies are movies.,.
See it.. Enjoy it.. Forget it..
Never Dream about it... ;)
Good write-up... Keep it up!!
@Charlie: You are a practical man ;)
@ Abarna: Thanks a ton for the reel compliment !! ;)
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