And so we come to the main heroes of the SHOW, our GUEST. Iam indebted to all the guest , Past, Present, Future Guest who have/has/will be in the show, for sharing their learnings with everyone. With all humbleness, here is a tribute to them. I present this blog jewel to all my guest for being a guest in the PERFECT SHOW.

This blog jewel was designed by my junior Arvind Jayashankar, who is pursuing his III year Mech Engg in NITT. I thank him devoting his time and efforts for designing the blog jewel.
P.S: if you have been wondering what does PPF in the Title stands for, i would say you have got an inquisitive mind. Anyhow, I would love to hear from you what do you think it stands for. I will post the abbreviated form after checking out what others might have understood it as.
The ball is in your court ;)
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